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Wastewater System Improvements, Thompson Falls

S & L Underground, Inc.
General Engineering Contractor


P.O. Box 1952  ~  66304 Highway 2  ~  Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805  ~  208-267-7996  ~  208-267-8097




S & L Underground is requesting sub bids and material quotes from ALL qualified subcontractors and suppliers including MBE, WBE, SBE, ADBE, DBE, and ESBE FOR:


City of Thompson Falls

Wastewater System Improvements


BID DATE:   November 10, 2020


 BID TIME:   2:00 pm


Plans are available at:   



Project Description:

The project generally consists of approximately 23,000 LF of new gravity sewer main including connecting approximately 335 services (both gravity and grinder pump services), approximately 8,800 LF of new sewer force main with one triplex grinder pump lift station with backup generator, two new packaged submersible lift stations with backup generators, replacing approximately 1,900 LF of gravity sewer main and 3,650 LF of existing force main, a horizontal directional drill/jack and bore under MT Highway 200 and the Railroad. The project also includes rehabilitating the existing treatment system lagoons by construction of a headworks building, screen system, complete mix / partial mix covered lagoon system utilizing existing lined lagoons, polishing reactor, disinfection building, blower building updates, blowers and aeration system, ultraviolet disinfection system, system piping, sludge removal and disposal and other related site improvements and demolition.


Please verify your intent to provide a quotation and respond by November 9, 2020 with your proposals.






Your company name



_____ YES, we will be bidding this project.


_____ NO, we will be not be bidding this project.


Thank you for your time and consideration!

S & L Underground, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer!

Closing Date: 
Tuesday, November 10, 2020