Free Surety Bond Courses To Generate New Business
Learn how Surety Bonds can Benefit your Business. Gain insights into steps for becoming bondable or enhance bonding capabilities, increase competitiveness, and access new business opportunities in the transportation sector.
The Bonding Education Program (BEP) addresses this critical need to provide SDBs with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to navigate the bonding process effectively. Through educational workshops, one-on-one counseling, and networking opportunities, the BEP empowers SDBs to enhance their bonding capacity, increase their competitiveness, and access new business opportunities in the transportation sector. The BEP continues to serve as a vital resource for SDBs, bridging the gap between aspiration and achievement in the contracting arena.
During this FREE six session program you will:
- Engage in training workshops led by industry experts
- Tailored assistance to increase bonding capacity
- Learn about upcoming infrastructure projects In Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon & Washington.