Directory of Certified Businesses
OMWBE's Directory of Certified Businesses was designed to help buyers and contracting officers more quickly locate certified firms for upcoming procurement and contracting opportunities. Use the links below to log in to your account or to perform a directory search.
Search for Certified Businesses
Perform a business search of our database.
Certification Portal
Log in to your vendor or agency account.
Businesses that appear in the directory are currently certified with OMWBE. Use the directory, rather than the original certification letter, to confirm certified status. For immediate questions about our current certified firms, please contact Technical Assistance.
If you are seeking a Veteran Owned Business (VOB) to fulfill your business needs, please visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website.
If your business is already certified with OMWBE you must notify us of any changes that would affect your business’s ability to remain certified, such as changes in ownership, control, size, management responsibility, scope of work, or personal net worth. Inform us in writing within 30 days by logging into our system. Failure to notify our office of these changes may affect your firm’s eligibility for the program.