Money & Loans
Money for Your Business
Business owners need access to capital to start or grow their business. Capital can mean other types of resources too, but for this webpage, we are talking about money for small businesses.
There are many ways to get money to grow or start a business. Most people are familiar with bank loans, but there are other sources too.
Please select the type of funding you are looking for.
Access to Capital - Access to Money
Includes background and history of why access to capital is such an important issue and the Washington State Linked Deposit Loan Program, one solution for OMWBE certified businesses.
Private Equity – Investments in Your Business
In the business sense, this means letting someone else have a small piece of your business in exchange for capital. On this page, you will find links to resources across the state for equity financing such as angel investors or crowdfunding.
A popular way to get money for a business is through loans. This page includes loan resources across the state.
Free Money & Services
Not really free money, because these sources still require some work. This page includes suggestions about contests, grants and other free services for small businesses.