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Business Changes FAQ

This FAQ answers frequent questions about how to report business changes once your business has already been certified and how these changes may affect your certification. 

What changes do I need to report to OMWBE?

You must report any material change in the information provided in your application that might affect your certification status. This means you should report major changes in your company, such as changes in company ownership, company management, company structure, or any change that prohibits your company from performing its work. You should also report if your company merges with another, you sell the company, you purchase a new company, or if your company goes out of business. Federal regulations require that you report these changes to OMWBE within 30 days of the change. Minor changes, such as changes to your contact information should still be reported so we can make sure the information on our directory is up to date and potential customers can reach you.  

My business changed its name, address or contact information, what do I do?

First, you can update your business information by editing your vendor profile to reflect your new address, phone number, or email. Then submit a business change request. You can do this by selecting logging into our certification portal and following the steps below:

  1. On your home screen, select “Renew / Apply for Certification”. 
  2. Select  “Your firm is seeking to update ONLY your business name, address, phone number, email and/or fax”
  3. Follow the prompts to submit a Change Request. Please be sure to include all of the updated information in your request.

How do I report changes in business ownership or structure?

You can inform us of an ownership or structure change by submitting an Ownership/Business/Expansion application. You can do this by selecting logging into our certification portal and following the steps below:

  1. On your home screen, select “Renew / Apply for Certification”. 
  2. Select “Your firm is seeking to report updates to your ownership, business structure, business description and/or NAICS codes.”
  3. Follow the prompts to submit an Ownership/Business/Expansion application. As there is one request for changes in ownership, business structure, and business capabilities, there may be some aspects of the application that do not apply to your request.

Please be sure to include as much information as possible along with your request, including information about new owners, or operating documents related to your new business type.

How do I change my business description or add new commodity codes to my certification?

You can request to change your company’s business description or add commodity codes by submitting an Ownership/Business/Expansion application. You can do this by selecting logging into our certification portal and following the steps below:

  1. On your home screen, select “Renew / Apply for Certification”. 
  2. Select “Your firm is seeking to report updates to your ownership, business structure, business description and/or NAICS codes.”
  3. Follow the prompts to submit an Ownership/Business/Expansion application. As there is one request for changes in ownership, business structure, and business capabilities, there may be some aspects of the application that do not apply to your request.

Please be sure to include as much information as possible along with your request, including documents that show your company can perform the new types of work you would like added to your certification. This may include, owner and employee resumes, equipment lists, contracts showing performance of the requested type of work, or any other information that proves your business can perform the requested type or work.

Can my business keep its certification if I sell or give the business to another individual?

Complete changes in ownership require the new owners to submit an application. If these owners are eligible and the firm still qualifies for certification, the company can keep its certification. However, there is no guarantee that the new owners will remain eligible, and OMWBE will need updated information from these new owners.

My company has gone out of business, or I have sold my company, how should I let OMWBE know?

Please call us at 360-664-9750 or email us at and we can assist you in updating your business information.