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Home » Let's Talk Business: Decrease Stress and Successfully Grow Your Business

Let's Talk Business: Decrease Stress and Successfully Grow Your Business

Who among us is not feeling more stressed these days? It's not only the pandemic, but the many roles we must fulfill as women, and it's easy to get overwhelmed. Come learn some tips to manage stress so you can feel better and successfully grow your business.

During this webinar, you will:

1) discover the science behind stress

2) identify stress triggers and gain easy and practical tools to relieve stress daily

3) learn basics of mindfulness and self-compassion practices to help you enjoy life more

Dr. Cindy Tsai is a board-certified internal medicine physician turned entrepreneur. She is a life coach, mindfulness teacher and speaker who is passionate about coaching high-achieving women to believe in themselves to live a meaningful life of ease and joy. Through Cindy's own healing journey as a recovering perfectionist, she has explored a wide variety of therapeutic modalities and emphasizes wellness and caring for the person as a whole. Learn more about Cindy and her mission to empower women to live their best lives at 


Thursday, February 17, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Organizer Name: 
Yesi Lee
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