00624 Security Guard Services
Competitive Solicitation 00624
Security Guard Services
DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING BIDS: April 28th, 2025, at 11:59 pm (Pacific Time)
Find the full solicitation on Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS). Vendors not registered in WEBS will not receive updates or amendments to the solicitation, which could disadvantage your bid.
Pre-bid conference: March 25th, 2025, at 2:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Attend via Microsoft Teams
Weblink: Join the meeting
Meeting ID: 256 147 158 701
Passcode: p5sT37Da
Dial in by phone
+1 564-999-2000,,812656007# United States, Olympia
(833) 322-1218,,812656007# United States (Toll-free)
Phone conference ID: 812 656 007#
Contract location: Statewide, City (Seattle and Tacoma), and County
Contract description: Enterprise Services is using this Competitive Solicitation to solicit value-added bids from innovative, qualified Bidders to provide on cite uniformed security guard services provided by trained, and qualified professionals (“Security Guard Services” or “Goods/Services”) that, at a minimum, meet or exceed any required minimum specifications for the Goods/Services and/or the required minimum performance requirements for Bidders who are awarded a Contract as stated in Exhibit D - Contract.
Certain Washington state agencies and other eligible purchasers (as defined below) who own or manage governmental properties have operational needs to purchase Security Guard Services to establish, support, and maintain safety and security of such properties, service areas, and employees, customers, and the public.
- Contract Category 1 – Level 1 (Unarmed) Security Guard [Security Guards who are never equipped with weapons of any kind (including non-lethal)].
- Contract Category 2 – Level 2 (Armed, Non-Lethal) Security Guard [Specialized Security Guards who are always equipped with, and professionally trained to use non-lethal (less than lethal) weapons].
- Contract Category 3 – Level 3 (Armed, Firearm) Security Guard [Specialized Security Guards who are always equipped with, and professionally trained and licensed to use, a firearm].
- Contract Category 4 – Add-On Services [Note: These are add-on services for awarded bidders in Categories 1, 2, and/or 3. Bidders must be awarded at least one of the other specified Contract Categories to be eligible to provide Category 4 Add-On Services to eligible Purchasers in the bidder’s awarded specified Geographic Area.].
Add-On Services include the following:
• Vehicles: Non-emergency motor vehicles (golf carts, ATVs, and automobiles) used to support security services, such as when conducting patrols.
• Supervisors: Experienced guards who are on site to supervise the assigned security guard/s, and may be unarmed, armed with non-lethal/less than lethal weapons, or a firearm as specified by Purchaser.
• Other Services: Other add-on services that support, or enhance, security guard services.
Commodity codes:
- 990-25 Crime Prevention Services
- 990-46 Guard and Security Services
- 990-67 Patrol Services
- 990-78 Security Services, Hazardous Waste Site
- 990-80 Surveillance Services
Inclusion plan: Exhibit E – Diverse Business Inclusion Plan (for Bidders who plan to utilize subcontractors).
Preference/priority points:
- Executive Order 18-03
Solicitation documents: Solicitation documents, contacts and bid instructions are available in WEBS: https://pr-webs-vendor.des.wa.gov/.
Question-and-answer period:
- Deadline for submitting questions: April 15th, 2025 at 11:59 pm (Pacific Time)
- Anticipated Deadline for Answers: April 17th, 2025.
- Submit questions or concerns about this solicitation in writing to the Procurement Coordinator: Chelsea Clark at descontractsteamapple@des.wa.gov.