2024-019 RFP Janitorial Services
WTA is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors to perform janitorial services to maintain the four (4) following WTA facilities. Vendors are not required to submit pricing or proposals for all locations. Vendors may submit pricing and proposals for one, some, or all locations. Janitorial services are to be performed at:
- Maintenance, Operations, Administration Base (MOAB) located at 4011 Bakerview Spur, Bellingham.
- Bellingham Transit Station (BTS), located at 205 E. Magnolia, Bellingham.
- Cordata Transit Station (CTS), located at 4194 Cordata Parkway, Bellingham; and
- Ferndale Transit Station (FTS), located at 1675 Main Street, Ferndale.
more information can be found here https://wta.cobblestone.software/gateway/SolicitationPublicSearch.aspx
Closing Date:
Friday, September 20, 2024
Whatcom Transportation Authority
Point of Contact: