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2024-2025 Small Works Roster - Battle Ground School District

RCW 28A.335.190 provides that school districts establish a small works roster of qualified contractors who wish to receive project information and be considered for performing work on public works projects estimated to cost less than $350,000.00.

Battle Ground School District #119 is receiving applications for contractors who wish to be placed on the District's Small Works Roster.

In order to qualify, the following requirements must be met:

1. Must be a registered contractor in the State of Washington.

2. Be able to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance showing the District as additional insured if awarded a project.

3. Must provide a Performance Bond if required for the project.

4. Must comply with Washington State Prevailing Wage requirements.

5. Must comply wiht federal, state, and local laws regarding non-discrimination and affirmative action.

Interested contractors may access the application form on our website Battle Ground School District's Small Works Roster runs from July 1st to June 30th of each year.

Battle Ground Public Schools occasionally hires professional service consultants including architectural, engineering, and others to perform various design and consulting services on a variety of public and small works projects.  In accordance with RCW 39.80.030, the District encourages architectural, engineering, or similar consultants to submit annual statements for consideration on a variety of public and small works projects executed by the District.  Annual statements must be submitted to Battle Ground Public Schools, Facilities Planning and Construction Department, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604.

Closing Date: 
Friday, June 27, 2025
Battle Ground Public Schools
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