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2025-2027 Construction Management Services

The scope of services will include construction support for transportation projects.

This task may include, but not be limited to: Construction observation & inspections, materials testing, project record keeping, submittal review, daily tracking, responding to Requests for Information (RFI), public outreach, preparation of payments, punch lists preparation and verification, claim resolution.



The City is expecting several projects to be let out for bid in 2025, 2026, and 2027. The following projects are expected to be included under this on-call service contract however, projects underlined may not be awarded depending on funding availability and internal resources:


  1. 61st Ave NE Sidewalk Replacement Project, Phase 1: Sidewalk will be replaced on the east and west side of 61st Avenue NE between NE 190th St and 60th Avenue NE with new sidewalk relocated to preserve as many trees as possible. Sidewalk panels on 61st Place NE from 60th Avenue NE to the northern city limits will be replaced. In addition to replacing sidewalk panels, the following will also be included in the project:
    • A 2-inch grind and HMA overlay
    • New bike lanes.
    • Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at 193rd St, 60th Ave, and 200th St Intersections.
    • New storm drainage
    • Intersection improvements at 193rd St and 60th Ave NE
    • Permanent closure of the NE 193rd “slip lane” onto 61st Ave NE
  1. 80th Ave NE Ped/Bike Project: This project builds approximately 1,175 LF of new sidewalks on both sides of 80th Ave NE between NE 179th Pl and NE 185th St (the Tolt water line corridor) with buffered bike lanes on both sides. This project also includes a flashing crosswalk at NE 177th Pl, NE 179th Pl, and NE 182nd Pl. This project will also add bicycle crossing features at State Route 522 and connect the bike lanes on 80th Ave NE to the Burke Gilman Trail.
  1. Arrowhead Sidewalks Project: This project builds approximately 2,050 LF of new sidewalks on the west side/south side of NE Arrowhead drive from NE 151st St to 64th Ave NE. The project will also include one rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB), narrowing of street crossings, additional school zone signage, and several traffic calming features such as chicanes or speed humps.
  1. BGT/SR522 Accessibility Project: This project will provide an American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) connection to the Burke Gilman Trail/Log Boom Park. Work also includes updating the gateway sign entering Kenmore at the west border.
  1. 61st Ave NE Sidewalk Repair Project (FEMA): This project will repair and restore stability the east side of 61st Ave NE between NE 181st St and NE 190th St from Cha Thl Creek (Tributary 0056).
  1. NE 181st St Sidewalk Project: This project builds approximately 615 LF of new sidewalks on south side of NE 181st Street from 61st Ave to 63rd Ave.
  1. NE 192nd St Culvert Replacement and Sidewalk Project: This project will replace and existing pipe culvert and replace with a fish passable culvert.  Work will also include approximately 350 LF of new sidewalk east of 75th Ave NE to 75th Ave NE intersection.
  1. Lower Swamp Creek Bridge Replacement Project: This project will replace the bridge crossing Lower Swamp Creek at NE 175th St and 80th Ave NE.  Work will include removal of existing bridge, installation of a temporary bridge, new bridge, and in-water work.

To submit qualifications for this posting, go to

Closing Date: 
Friday, March 14, 2025
City of Kenmore
Point of Contact: 
John Vicente -