2025 Maritime Environmental Site Management Support
Category: Consulting Services
Bid Due Date: December 19, 2024, 12:00 PM
Pre-Submittal Conference: December 5, 2024, 2:00 PM, Online
Amount: The Port intends on issuing up to three Agreements as a result of this solicitation. Agreements will be awarded to the highest rated firms, valued at $3M each. If the PORT determines, through the evaluation process, there are only two qualified firms the awards will be $4.5M each.
Goal: Aspirational WMBE Goal 20%
The consultant shall support Port Maritime Environment & Sustainability by providing environmental services for conducting environmental review, site assessments, source evaluation/tracing, monitoring and compliance, environmental data collection, compiling and managing data, data evaluation and reporting, modeling, preliminary design, and other related tasks to support decision-making. More Information