5983 Westwood Heights Window Replacement
5983 Westwood Heights Window Replacement
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Contractor will be required to furnish and install, through self-performance or the management of Subcontractors, the following elements of work, including but not limited to: Replace failing windows, trim, and window coverings at Westwood Heights.
LOCATION: 9455 27th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126
ESTIMATE: The estimate for this project is between $1,215,000 and $1,279,000
BID SUBMITTAL: Sealed bids must be received for this project by the Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) at its office at 101 Elliott Avenue W, Suite 100 (1st Floor, Reception), Seattle, Washington 98119, no later than 2:00 PM on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Bids received after 2:00 PM will not be accepted or read. Faxed and emailed bids will not be accepted.
The outside of all bid envelopes must be clearly labeled with the following information: "Bid Documents," name of project, date and time of opening, the bidder’s business name, address, and telephone number.
PRE-BID SITE VISIT: A pre-bid site visit will be held at 11:00 AM, on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at Westwood Heights, located at 9455 27th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126. Please meet at the front of the building.
All prospective bidders are strongly encouraged to attend. Non-attendance on the part of the Bidder shall not relieve the bidder of any responsibility for adherence to any of the provisions of the bid documents or any Addenda.
OBTAINING BID DOCUMENTS: PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ADDENDA, AND PLANHOLDER’S LIST for this project will be available on-line through Builder’s Exchange of Washington, Inc. at http://www.bxwa.com. Access to project bid documents is provided to Prime Bidders, Subcontractors, and Vendors by going to http://www.bxwa.com and clicking on "Posted Projects", "Public Works", "Seattle Housing Authority", and “Projects Bidding”. This online plan room provides Bidders with fully usable online documents with the ability to: download, view, print, order full/partial plan sets from numerous reprographic sources, and a free online digitizer/take-off tool. It is recommended that Bidders “register” in order to receive automatic e-mail notification of future addenda and to place themselves on the “Self-Registered Bidders List". Bidders that do not register will not be automatically notified of addenda and will need to periodically check the on-line plan room for addenda issued on this project. For assistance with access or registration, contact Builders Exchange of Washington at (425) 258-1303.
TECHNICAL QUESTIONS: Technical questions and substitutions regarding this project must be received in writing no later than 5:00 PM, on Thursday, March 13, 2025, and addressed to:
E-mail: purchasing@seattlehousing.org
Attn: Veronica Sharp, Lead Sr. Contract Administrator
Please identify the Solicitation Number and Name in the Subject line of the e-mail.
BID GUARANTY: Each bid must be accompanied by a surety company bid bond, or a certified or cashier’s check payable to the order of the Seattle Housing Authority for a sum not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. No bidder may withdraw its bid within 60 days after the required bid submission date.
SOCIAL EQUITY CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS – Section 3, MWBE, EEO, and Apprenticeship: The Seattle Housing Authority strongly encourages Minority-Owned (MBEs) and Women-Owned Businesses (WBEs), socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises, HUD Section 3 businesses, Veteran-owned and small businesses to submit bids, to participate as partners, or to participate in other business activities in response to this solicitation. This Contract includes HUD Section 3 resident and business utilization goal requirements, WMBE utilization goal requirement, apprenticeship participation goal requirement, and an aspirational women and minority employment workforce goal.
DIVERSITY: SHA is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and strongly encourages minority-owned and women-owned businesses, socially and economically disadvantaged businesses, HUD Section 3 businesses, and small businesses to submit bids or to participate as subcontractors and suppliers on SHA contracts.
PREVAILING WAGES: The contractor and all subcontractors will be required to pay prevailing wages as specified in the Bid Documents.
BIDDERS/SUBCONTRACTORS INFORMATION (for projects estimated over $1 million): The Bidder is required to provide information for a Bidder/Subcontractors List. Failure to provide the information required on the completed form and submit it with the bid renders the bid void.
RIGHTS RESERVED: SHA reserves the right to cancel this invitation to bid, to waive as an informality any irregularities in bids, to reject any and all bids, and accept the lowest responsive bid from a qualified and responsible bidder.
Diana Peterson, Procurement and Contracts Manager