Airport Woodwaste Landfill Post-Closure Monitoring and NPDES Permit Support
The Port of Bellingham (the Port) is soliciting responses from qualified environmental and engineering consulting firms to assist the Port with permit support and ongoing monitoring associated with the post-closure requirements at the Airport Woodwaste Landfill, in Whatcom County, Washington. Contract Documents are available on the Port of Bellingham's website at
The Port currently manages the Airport Woodwaste Landfill under a post-closure permit with the Whatcom County Health Department (WCHD) and a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) wastewater discharge permit with the Washington State Department of Ecology.
The Port is soliciting responses from qualified environmental and engineering consulting firms to assist in the ongoing monthly landfill monitoring and reporting as required under the post-closure and NPDES permits. Additional tasks include engineering support to address landfill or leachate system deficiencies and on-call field support services. Landfill monitoring will be ongoing for multiple years. The Port will award a contract for one year of monitoring and support. The contract may be extended for multiple years of monitoring and support subject to budget appropriations and acceptable consultant performance.
The project functions will require expertise in landfill management under the Minimum Functional Standards, a thorough understanding of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) waste discharge permit sampling and reporting requirements, and Port procedures. Responses to this RFPS should address the following criteria, which will be used to evaluate all firms:
1. Professional Qualifications and Experience (75 points)
- Description of projects of similar scope completed by the firm in the last 5 years, demonstrating knowledge of landfill leachate management under the Minimum Functional Standards and NPDES permits.
- Relevant sampling, monitoring, and reporting experience related to landfills managed under post-closure and NPDES permits.
- Experience with NPDES permit applications and renewals.
2. Demonstrated Capability to Perform Required Services (25 points)
- Key assigned personnel, professional background and availability, including ability to respond to on-call or short-notice events that may impact compliance with post-closure and NPDES permits.
- Technical resources including applicable monitoring equipment, software, and ability to produce project deliverables.
- Client list and references.
All inquiries and requests for background material to this RFPS shall be directed to Alice Cords at (360) 676-2500. The successful consultant shall be required to execute the Port of Bellingham’s Standard Agreement for Professional Services and meet associated insurance requirements.
All RFPS submittals must be received at the Port administrative offices or email by 5:00pm October 30th, 2024. Electronic submittals will be accepted in PDF format only and are preferred to hard copy. If mailing, three (3) copies, not to exceed 20 single-sided (or 10 double sided) pages, including attachments, should be directed to:
Alice Cords
Environmental Specialist
Port of Bellingham
P.O. Box 1677
1801 Roeder Avenue
Bellingham, WA 98227-1677