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Arts Web Design Project

For full details please see: PDF 

Washington State Arts Commission

Request for Proposals – No. ARTS-2019-RFP-001-Web-Design



This Request for Proposals (RFP) is a competitive procurement issued by the Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) chapter 39.26.  Pursuant to this RFP, ArtsWA desires to solicit and award a contract for website modernization and development.  

The current site has a number of back-end and front-end functionality issues, and is built on a customized content management system (CMS) by our previous vendor. We would like to replace this with an industry-standard CMS system, such as Wordpress or Drupal CMS (preferably Wordpress). Additionally, we have a second stand-alone website called My Public Art Portal. The agency would like to merge the two websites into one seamless site, preserving the MySQL database the Portal currently pulls its data from.

The form of the Contract that will be awarded as a result of this RFP is attached as Exhibit D –Contract.  As set forth in the attached Contract for this RFP, the contract term is no longer than 6 months.  Bidders are to specify prices for the Contract term.  The Contract is subject to earlier termination.

This RFP is divided into four (4) sections:

  • Section 1 – Deadlines & Questions
  • Section 2 – How to Prepare & Submit A Proposal for this RFP
  • Section 3 – Proposal Evaluation
  • Section 4 – Contract Award


In addition, this RFP includes the following Exhibits:

  • Exhibit A – Bidder Information:  This exhibit identifies the information that bidders must provide to ArtsWA to constitute a responsive proposal.
  • Exhibit B – Statement of Work Requirements and Specifications:  This exhibit outlines the requirements and specifications for the good and/or service that are the subject of this RFP.
  • Exhibit C –Price Proposal:  This exhibit provides the pricing information that bidders will complete as part of their bid and the price evaluation tool that ArtsWA will use to evaluate bids.
  • Exhibit D – Contract:  This exhibit is the Contract that the successful bidder(s) will execute with ArtsWA
  • Exhibit E – Complaint, Debrief, & Protest Requirements:  This exhibit details the applicable requirements to file a complaint, request a debrief conference, or file a protest regarding this RFP.
  • Exhibit F – Doing Business with the State of Washington:  This exhibit provides information regarding contracting with the State of Washington.


Section 1 – Deadlines & Questions


This section identifies important deadlines for this RFP and where to direct questions regarding the RFP.

Important dates:  The following table identifies important dates for this RFP:



RFP Posting Date:

February 19, 2019

Question & Answer Period:

February 19, 2019 – February 28, 2019

Deadline for submitting Proposals:

March 4, 2019

Anticipated Announcement of Apparent Successful Bidder(s):

March 14, 2019

Anticipated Contract Execution:

March 29, 2019


The RFP (and award of the Contract) is subject to complaints, debriefs, and protests as explained in Exhibit E – Complaint, Debrief & Protest Requirements, which may impact the dates set forth above.

ArtsWA reserves the right to amend and modify this RFP.   Only bidders who have properly registered and downloaded the original RFP directly via WEBS will receive notifications of amendments to this RFP, which bidders must download, and other correspondence pertinent to this procurement.  To be awarded a Contract, bidders must be registered in WEBS.  Visit to register.

Questions:  Questions or concerns regarding this RFP must be directed to the following Procurement Coordinator for the RFP:

RFP Procurement Coordinator


Annette Roth




Closing Date: 
Monday, March 4, 2019