Carestream DRX-Rise Mobile X-ray System - Single detector
The Community Colleges of Spokane (hereinafter “SPOKANE COLLEGES” or “College”) is issuing this competitive solicitation pursuant to applicable federal and state laws including, RCW 28B.10.029(1)(c)(iii). This competitive solicitation implies no obligation on the part of SPOKANE COLLEGES to make a purchase. SPOKANE COLLEGES reserves the right to cancel this competitive solicitation for any reason and may reject any or all responses, including portions or parts thereof for good cause, including, exceeding the funds budgeted for the procurement. SPOKANE COLLEGES also reserves the right to waive all minor irregularities in the competitive solicitation process and in the proposals received. Copy of the Bid can be retrieved on WEBS: (Ref #: RFP No. 2025_E4)