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City of Brewster Engineering RFQ 2025




The City of Brewster (the “City”) is soliciting statements of qualifications from experienced engineering firms to provide regular engineering services for the City.


Applicants that wish to be considered must provide: a transmittal letter on firm letterhead, 3 written copies of said statement, and either an email or a flash drive containing a copy of the submitted statement in a standard electronic format. All responsive statements must be received at City Hall as specified below by 3:00pm (PST) on March 28, 2025. A non-responsive or incomplete statement will not be considered. Statements must be delivered to:


Misty Ruiz

City Clerk/Finance Director

City of Brewster

P.O. Box 340

Brewster, WA 98812



Requests for an RFQ packet or for further details may be made orally or in writing to the City official named above at the above address or above telephone number. All costs incurred in preparing and submitting a statement in response to this RFQ shall be at the proposing firm’s sole risk and expense, and the City shall not be liable for the payment or reimbursement thereof. The City reserves the right to waive irregularities, to reject any or all statements, and/or to amend, modify or discontinue the RFQ at any time.







Art Smyth, Mayor












Engineering services for the City will involve all professional civil engineering disciplines including, but not limited to, water, sewer, streets, subdivisions, developments, storm water, airport, grant writing, survey work, project design, construction phase services, planning, projects administration, system operations and administration, and any other services which a civil engineer may be requested to perform for the City (the “Engineering Services”).



Relevant deadlines for this RFQ are as follows:


Release of RFQ February 21, 2025

Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Due March 28, 2025

Review/Interview/Selection April 2025

Board Approve Contract April 25, 2025



  1. about this RFQ or response thereto must be made in writing to Misty Ruiz at All inquiries must be received no less than three (3) days before the SOQ deadline to ensure timely response. Responses to inquiries relevant to the solicitation will be shared with all prospective applicants that have requested an RFQ packet and/or have filed a responsive statement or proposal. Firms that have already filed a responsive statement or proposal will have the opportunity to amend their statement in response to any inquiry/response prior to the SOQ deadline (if needed).



Each proposal or SOQ should include the following:


  1. Cover Letter


All proposals must include a cover letter signed by a person legally authorized to bind the Consultant to its proposal. The letter shall include a brief overview of the Consultant’s experience, understanding and approach to the Engineering Services.


  1. Experience


Identify recent experience and expertise with similar types of Engineering Services for public entities including:


  1. Specialized experience and technical competence of Consultant and proposed team;
  2. Construction and project management experience;
  3. Experience with state and federal contracting regulations and publics works requirements and regulations;
  4. A list of memberships in professional organizations, special training, licenses and experience shall be included in the submittal.


The Consultant must be licensed in Washington state.


  1. Service Delivery and Fees


Provide a narrative that demonstrates the Consultant’s knowledge or understanding of general engineering service needs of cities in Washington and of the City specifically (if any). Describe the Consultant’s ability to provide the technical disciplines and services required to manage and complete the Engineering Services. Consultant shall also confirm or provide evidence that Consultant is able to meeting professional and commercial liability insurance requirements.


Describe the proposed Engineering Services team. Who will be the key contacts and leaders of the team and discuss who will interact with the City. Please provide the proposed staffing or total number of persons you plan to have available to assist with regard to this proposal.


Provide a general fees and costs schedule for Engineering Services by the Consultant’s proposed team.


  1. References


Provide a list of at least three references from public entities the Consultant has provided similar Engineering Services to. Include a brief statement of the scope of services provided budget and examples of specific projects completed for such entities.



Submit one (1) digital (flash drive or email) and three (3) hard copies of the complete response to the City of Brewster, Attention: Misty Ruiz, P.O. Box 340, Brewster, WA 98812 , by 3:00 p.m. on March 28, 2025.


All proposals and supporting materials submitted in response to this RFQ shall become property of the City following opening. Proposals will only be retuned if unopened, and return is requested prior to the response opening deadline. Proposals may be subject to review and disclosure pursuant to the Washington State public records act after opening. If a response includes material that may be considered confidential or proprietary, the Consultant shall mark the material as such. The City cannot guarantee non-disclosure of the confidential material, but will provide notice to the Consultant of the request for such material to enable the Consultant to intervene in the response as necessary.



All responses received by the specified deadline will be reviewed by the City for content, completeness, experience, qualifications, and fees/costs. A review and selection committee composed of key City officials and consultants may be used to review and evaluate all responses, and if applicable, conduct interviews. Responses will be opened privately to assure confidentiality and to avoid disclosure of the contents to competing Contractors prior to and during the review, evaluation, and negotiation process. However, to the extent that the responses are public records under Washington state law, they may be subject to release to members of the public if specifically requested under applicable law.


After those Contractors deemed the most qualified are selected, further evaluation and interviews of the selected firms may be conducted as part of the final selection process. However, the City reserves the right to complete the selection process without proceeding to an interview process and may choose to select one or more firms based on the information supplied in the response, including the SOQ. The City reserves the right to waive irregularities or omissions in any proposal when making its selection.


The City reserves the right to select the firm(s), which, in its sole judgment, best meets the needs of the City. Selection is not based on the lowest cost proposal. The City will enter into negotiations with the successful Consultant(s) to develop a contract for Engineering Services. However, if such negotiations are not successful, the City may negotiate with any other consultant responding to this Request for Qualifications or reject all proposals or responses.


Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:


  1. Approach to Services

Proposals will be reviewed to determine responsiveness and understanding of the services to be performed.


  1. Qualifications and Experience

Proposals will be evaluated considering the Consultant’s professional, technical and analytical experience, and the availability of personnel who are proposed to provide Engineering Services to the City. The consultants ability to meet a diverse range of Engineering Services needs will also be considered.


  1. Relevant Past and Present Experience

Assessment of the Consultant’s past and present performance will be evaluated relative to the capability to meet the requirements contained in this RFQ. Additionally, quality of service and customer satisfaction will be considered.


  1. Fee Schedule

Consultant’s hourly fees and other costs.



The final award, if any, will be made to the Consultant whose conformance to the RFQ is considered most advantageous to the City, considering the evaluation criteria in this section.


Disadvantaged, including women and minority owned business (i.e. DBE) are encouraged to submit a response to this RFQ.



Closing Date: 
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
City of Brewster
Point of Contact: