City of Duvall - Request for Qualifications - Big Rock Ballfields, Ph. 2
City of Duvall
Request for Qualifications
Big Rock Ballfield - Phase 2
The City of Duvall is soliciting interest and qualifications from firms with expertise in Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, Planning, Design and Construction to perform geotechnical investigations, environmental analysis and documentation, permitting, property acquisition, and full design for the Big Rock Ball Fields – Phase 2 project.
Detailed information and terms about the project can be found in the Request for Qualifications package available through the City of Duvall Public Works’ Current Projects webpage at If you are unable to obtain the RFQ package from the webpage listed above, please contact Gavin Harrold by e-mail or phone at the contact information below. Proposals will be accepted until 10:00 AM PST on DECEMBER 12, 2023.
Please direct any questions concerning this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to the Project Manager listed in the RFQ. Proposing firms may submit written questions by email only to the Project Manager at any time prior to the date in the Proposed Timeline. Any oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the City. Consultants are expected to visit the City’s website for addenda and responses to questions.
The City reserves the right to amend the terms of this RFQ, to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses.
RFQ Project Manager Contact Information:
Gavin Harrold
(425) 939-8045