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Home » City of Federal Way 2025 Asphalt Overlay Project

City of Federal Way 2025 Asphalt Overlay Project

SUBMITTAL OF SEALED BIDS: Notice is hereby given that the City of Federal Way will receive sealed bids 
through February 14th, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at the City Hall Finance Department at 33325 8th Avenue South, 
Federal Way, Washington 98003. Proposals received after said date and time will not be considered. All timely 
bids will be opened and read publicly aloud in the Hylebos Meeting Room City Hall 33325 8th Avenue South, 
Federal Way, Washington 98003 at 10:05a.m. on February 14th, 2025. 
This project shall consist of: Furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and other work or items incidental  
thereto (excepting any materials, equipment, utilities, or service, if any, specified herein to be furnished by the  
Owner or others), for the construction, sequencing, and traffic control plan for overlaying existing asphalt  
concrete pavement in seven (7) different locations within the City of Federal Way.  The work shall include but is  
not limited to Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA Cl. ½” PG 58H-22) pavement overlay, roadway excavation, planing 
bituminous pavement, pavement repair, removal and replacement of curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, 
traffic curb, repairing or re-aligning manholes and catch basins, pedestrian push button, and foundation, 
channelization, restoration, utility adjustments, and all items necessary to complete the work as described in the 
Contract Documents. 
The City anticipates awarding this project to the successful bidder and intends to give Notice to Proceed as 
soon as the Contract and all required documents are executed in full.  Regardless of the date of award or Notice 
to Proceed, the Contractor must complete all work within 120 working days.   

View all bid documents on the City of Federal Way's website:

Closing Date: 
Friday, February 14, 2025
City of Federal Way
Point of Contact: