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City of Kirkland: NE 124th St. Pedestrian Facilities

PROJECT NAME: NE 124th Street Pedestrian Facilities
QUALIFICATIONS DUE: July 17, 2024 no later than 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time
QUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTED TO: Purchasing Agent (see Submittal section)

Public notice is hereby given that the City of Kirkland has issued the abovementioned Request for Qualifications (RFQ). This RFQ is to solicit proposals from a qualified firm or individual to develop plans, specifications, and estimates for the above referenced project.

Project Description
The City of Kirkland’s Safer Routes to School Plan, adopted in 2021, identifies the need for a network of connected sidewalks and crossings that serve local schools; this Plan expands on work started by the City in 2001 that focused on elementary school walk routes. One project prioritized by the Kirkland community is the enhancement of
walkway/sidewalk along the north side of NE 124th St in the Totem Lake neighborhood.  The installation of concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the north side of NE 124th St on the bridge spanning the I-405 freeway has already been completed. This project is primarily aimed to extend the pathway both west and east of bridge along the north side of NE 124th St from 116th Ave NE to 120th Ave NE, respectively. Key elements of the Project include approximately 1222 ft of new concrete sidewalk with storm drainage improvements, and the installation of two new rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) crosswalk across the ramps to I-405 northbound and I-405 southbound.  Primary funding for the pedestrian enhancements includes revenue from the City’s School Zone Camera Program and the federal funding. Inclusion of federal funding will require the successful firm to adhere to design and documentation requirements consistent with the funding source, including Federal EEO requirements.  Prospective consultants shall have all administrative documents, including audited overhead rates, current and on file with WSDOT Audit Office

The DBE goal for this project, determined by WSDOT Local Programs, is nineteen (19) percent.

Scope of Work and Technical Requirements
In general, the selected consultant is expected to develop Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for design (30%, 60%, 90%, and final) of the above referenced
project. The scope of work may include the following:
1. Survey: Investigate the Project area and gather information and records necessary for engineering & construction design. Perform topographic survey and identify all existing utilities to prepare a base map. Perform geotechnical investigation for wall elements of the Project.
2. Permitting: Identify and prepare all necessary federal, state, and local permits needed (excludes construction permits).
3. Community outreach: Identify community outreach needs and assist the City in outreach efforts with property owners, facility users, and impacted outside agencies. Tasks may include presentations and preparation of visual aids.
4. Design: Prepare 30 percent, 60 percent, 90 percent, and final PS&E for review and comment by the City/others. The design shall adhere to City of Kirkland, State and Federal standards. The City adopts the most current version of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and Amendments modified by the City’s Special Provisions.
5. Bidding: Prepare bid ready PS&E documents and prepare addendum to the bid documents if necessary.
6. Inspection: The City may elect to include inspection services and assistance during construction as part of this Project; Consultant shall submit qualifications/availability and breakdown for these optional services (to be added later).
The design needs to meet requirements and standards of FHWA, FTA, WSDOT, King County, and City of Kirkland.

The project schedule is as follows:
 June 14, 2024 Request for Qualifications – 1st Advertisement
 June 24, 2024 Request for Qualifications – 2nd Advertisement
 July 3, 2024 Deadline for Questions – 5:00 PM
 July 10, 2024 Responses to Questions posted
 July 17, 2024 Statement of Qualifications Due – 4:00 PM
 July 24, 2024 Notifications of Selections for Interview by City
 July 30 – August 2, 2024 Conduct Interviews
 August 16, 2024 Consultant Selection Completion
 September 12, 2024 Notice to Proceed for Design Consultant
 July 2025 Estimated end date for 100% Design Consultant

The format of your Statement of Qualifications will be at your discretion but shall be limited to twenty (20) pages single-sided or ten (10) pages double-sided, not including a cover sheet. However, at a minimum, it should include the following:
1. A statement of your understanding of the various aspects of the Project.
2. A discussion of your firm’s approach to this Project.
3. Your identification of critical project elements and a summary of your strategy for successfully integrating and achieving each of those elements for this Project.
4. A summary work coordination plan and schedule(s) describing how the goals, tasks, and other elements of the Project can be expected to be completed during the Project duration.
5. Key personnel, both internal and subcontracted, to be assigned to this Project; this should include their role(s), unique skills, experiences, and qualifications for this Project.
6. A statement outlining your firm’s plan to the DBE goal.
7. A statement describing your experience and examples of successfully completed
federally-funded Projects.
8. Examples of similar projects successfully completed through final PS&E by your firm, with an emphasis on recent and related projects. Please also include the names and phone numbers of client references that would be most knowledgeable of your firm’s performance on these similar projects. Please verify both name and contact phone number in advance before including this information in the SOQ.
9. All qualifications sent electronically must be in the form of a PDF or MS Word document and cannot exceed 20MB. This is the required submission format.
10. Emailed qualifications should include, “NE 24th Street Pedestrian Facilities –Job #29-24-PW” in the subject line and be addressed to
11. All qualifications must include the legal name of the organization, firm, individual or partnership submitting the RFQ. Include the address of the principal place of
business, mailing address, phone numbers, emails, and primary contact person.
12. To be evaluated, qualifications must address all requirements and instructions contained within.
13. Provide all references and materials required by the RFQ instructions within.

Evaluation Criteria Points
1. Firm qualifications/Expertise of key personnel 0-25
2. Ability to meet schedule 0-10
3. Approach to project 0-25
4. Familiarity with WSDOT/FHWA standards 0-15
5. Past Performance/References 0-15
6. Approach to meet DBE goal 0-10
Maximum Points 100

Contract Requirements and Fees
If your qualifications are accepted, the following fees and requirements will be due upon award, prior to issuance of a contract:
1. Compliance with Law/City of Kirkland Business License

  • Consultant must obtain and provide a copy of a City of Kirkland Business License and otherwise comply with Kirkland Municipal Code Chapter 7.02.
  • The Consultant shall comply with all applicable State, Federal and City laws, ordinances, regulations, and codes.

2. Insurance

  • Consultant’s insurance should be consistent with the requirements found in the sample document of “Professional Service Agreement” on City’s website. And also this material can be required by emailing Ling Wang-Staley at or by calling 425-587-3292.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information
The City of Kirkland, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities.  This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Ling Wang-Staley at or by calling 425-587-3292.

Title VI Statement
The City of Kirkland, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. Please reach out to the Title VI Coordinator of City of Kirkland for additional information by email and phone (425) 587-3831.

Closing Date: 
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
City of Kirkland
Point of Contact: