City of Ritzville SS4A Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Request for Proposals
Request for Proposals
City of Ritzville SS4A Comprehensive Safety Action Plan
Requested by the City of Ritzville
Call for Proposals
The City of Ritzville (City) is seeking a qualified individual or firm to submit proposals for developing a strategic Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) that will meet or exceed U. S. DOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Washington State Department of Transportations’ (WSDOT) Highway Safety Improvement Program requirements.
Proposal Due Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 received by 3:00pm (late submissions are not considered).
Proposal Submission Method and Address: For consideration, submit an electronic copy of the RFP along with information requested under Proposal Submittal Requirements. Failure to provide the submittal in the appropriate manner will result in disqualification. Hard-copy or fax submittals are not permitted and will not be accepted. One electronic copy, including attachments, shall be transmitted to Julie Flyckt at (no greater than 20 MB). Questions can be directed to Julie Flyckt at (509) 659-1930.
Receipt time of submittal will be considered the timestamp of the incoming email created automatically by the City’s email server. Email Subject shall be: RITZVILLE SS4A COMPREHENSIVE SAFETY ACTION PLAN - RFP
To view the full RFP, please use the following link: