City of Snohomish RFP Surveying and/or Cultural Resources On-Call Professional Services
The City of Snohomish is seeking proposals from qualified consultant firms to provide on-call services for surveying and/or cultural resources. Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. Email a pdf copy of the proposal to Yoshihiro Monzaki (360-282-3161) at Include “On-Call Professional Services” in the email subject line. Late proposals will not be considered. The consultant is responsible for verifying that the email is received by Yoshihiro Monzaki.
The City desires to have a consultant(s) available for surveying and/or cultural resources tasks associated with roads, facilities, parks, trails, water, sewer, and storm projects. The selected consultant(s) will provide services requested on a task order basis. Surveying tasks may include topographic surveys, construction staking, legal descriptions, and other additional services depending on the needs of projects. Cultural resources tasks may include field investigations, historic building and property inventories, construction monitoring, and other additional services depending on the needs of projects.
The RFP and City’s Professional Services Agreement are on the City “Bids, RFQs & RFPs” webpage, The successful consultant(s) will be required to sign the City’s Professional Services Agreement. The City will not sign any company’s service agreement, contract, or other form of agreement.