City of Washougal Request for Qualifications for a Progressive Design-Builder 32nd Street Rail Crossing
The City seeks to design and permit 32nd Street Corridor enhancements, including the separation of the at-grade rail crossing between Main Street/B Street and Evergreen Way. The City has obtained permission from the Washington State Capital Projects Advisory Review Board Project Review Committee (PRC) on September 26, 2024 to perform the project using the progressive design-build delivery method. The City is anticipating approximately 2 years for full design, right of way, and environmental completion, with construction completion estimated to take 32 months.
32nd Street is a critical north-south economic corridor for the Washougal community, providing important connections among State Route 14 (SR-14), the Port of Camas-Washougal Industrial Park, Washougal Town Center, and prime undeveloped land. Approximately 1.8 miles in length, the 32nd Street Corridor includes a mix of residential, public space, commercial, and industrial uses. The existing at-grade crossing along 32nd Street is one of the busiest crossings along the BNSF Railway (BNSF) line in the State of Washington with an average of 45 trains operating in the corridor daily and a capacity of 60 trains per day. This configuration has created road-rail conflicts as trains frequently block the crossing, resulting in traffic backing up onto SR14 as far as a quarter of a mile to the south. As a result, access to Washougal Town Center, is indirect and limited, presenting an obstacle to downtown and waterfront revitalization around the Columbia River and the Port of Camas-Washougal jobs center.
The City seeks to design and permit 32nd Street Corridor enhancements, including the separation of the at-grade rail crossing between Main Street/B Street and Evergreen Way. The City’s original plan included a below-grade rail crossing. Although the below-grade crossing is the City’s preferred option, the City is looking for a Design-Builder that can assist with determining whether a below-grade rail crossing, or an overpass will best suit the project and the available funding. The Project will not only remove an at grade crossing, the City anticipates that the Project will but is also expected to serve the growth needs of the community, reduce congestion hotspots, increase safety, enhance connectivity, and provide multi-modal improvements and opportunities for economically struggling and minority neighborhoods. In addition to the new grade-separated railroad crossing, roadway improvements are anticipated to include a roundabout at 32nd and Main Street/B Street south of the rail crossing, a roundabout at 32nd Street and Evergreen Way north of the crossing, intersection improvements at F Place, E Street, and A Street, and a sidewalk and multi-use path. The 32nd Street rail crossing also will provide the opportunity for a third BNSF track – requested by BNSF – which will boost freight and economic opportunity along the rail corridor.
The City has obtained permission from the Washington State Capital Projects Advisory Review Board Project Review Committee (PRC) on September 26, 2024, to perform the project using the progressive design-build delivery method. The City is anticipating approximately 2 years for full design, right of way, and environmental completion, with construction completion estimated to take 32 months. There are numerous challenges with meeting these deadlines for which the City would like assistance from the Design-Build Team:
- The City has received a Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant in the amount of $40,480,000 from Federal Rail Association. (FRA). In addition, the City also received approximately $8,096,000 in Move Ahead Washington funds from Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and $1,900,000 in the 2023-2025 Transportation Budget through WSDOT. The total available funding for the project to date is $50,476,000. However, recent estimates indicate that the City will have to raise additional funding to accomplish the project, and the original design of the project may need to be modified to fit within the available and reasonable future funding. The Design-Build Team’s first task will be to evaluate the project to determine its feasibility within the City’s budget.
- The Design-Build Team will assist the City in navigating the rail authority (BNSF) approval process withing a timely manner.
- The City wants to minimize the impacts of the project and reduce the amount of right of way that needs to be taken.
- The Design-Build Team will be responsible for developing reliable schedules and construction means and methods that will minimize road closures. In addition, the Design-Build Team will assist the City with public outreach to make sure the community has up to date and reliable information regarding any disruption.
- Being one of the first and largest RCE Grants awarded, the City wants to ensure successful and swift completion of the project.
Further project documentation can be found on the City’s website. Throughout the RFQ advertisement, documents may be added and will be up to the bidder to check the website regularly for any additional information. A link to the website is provided below:
The City, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all Proposers that it will affirmatively ensure that for any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
**To download project documents and full RFQ visit the City of Washougal's procurement portal at the project link below