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Home » City of Yakima - Expanding Water and Wastewater Access to Underserved Communities (HLA Project No. 22133)

City of Yakima - Expanding Water and Wastewater Access to Underserved Communities (HLA Project No. 22133)



The City of Yakima invites separate sealed BIDS for the construction of the


BOR Project No. R24P00579, City of Yakima Project No. AC-2570/SC-2605, HLA Project No. 22133

including the following approximate major quantities of work:

Installation of approximately 3,230 LF ductile iron water main, 4 EA 8-inch gate valves, 4 EA fire hydrant assemblies, 47 EA water service stubs, 5,325 LF sewer main, 1,410 LF sewer laterals, 19 EA sanitary sewer manholes, 1,882 TON HMA, and other related improvements.

This contract has one hundred sixty (160) working days to complete the work.

Bids will be received by the City Clerk, or their designee from the city clerk’s department, at City Hall, 129 N. Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901, until 2:00 p.m., January 30, 2025, and then shortly thereafter will be publicly opened and read aloud at the City Council Chambers located at 129 N. Second Street. 

The Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the Yakima City Engineer in Yakima, Washington.

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained at the following website: Planholder list and addenda will be available on the website.  Bidders are encouraged to register as planholders on the website, whom will be added to the Planholder list and will receive automatic addenda notification.  Project questions should be directed to Benjamin A. Annen, PE, at (509) 966-7000.

Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by bond or a certified check, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the City of Yakima for the sum of not less than 5% of said bid or proposal and none will be considered unless accompanied by such deposit, to be forfeited to the City of Yakima in the event the successful bidder shall fail or refuse to enter into a Contract with the City for the making and construction of the aforesaid improvement.  All bids or proposals must be in writing on the form bound in the Specifications, sealed, and filed with the City Clerk’s office on or before the day and hour above mentioned.

The City of Yakima, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on this project, and that the Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

The City of Yakima reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities or irregularities, and after careful consideration of all bids and factors involved, make the award to best serve the interests of the City of Yakima.

Dated this 16th of January, 2025

Publish:          January 16, 2025



Closing Date: 
Thursday, January 30, 2025
HLA Engineering and Land Surveying
Point of Contact: