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Home » Customer Service Staffing at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, SeaTac WA

Customer Service Staffing at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, SeaTac WA

Upcoming Business Opportunity

Customer Service Staffing at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport-

Total Estimate Contract $3,500,000.00

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) is seeking a contract to provide supplemental customer service staff in specific areas of the airport facility to address growth and to maintain the passenger level of service for travelers. The increase in passenger traffic has added pressure to an already constrained facility, and pressure on staff to properly provide customer service to passengers needing to find their way through the airport during peak hours. The scope will include customer assistance throughout the airport facility, specifically the vehicle parking facilities, and in the main terminal. The contactor will assist with passengers by ensuring customers are in the correct place and ensuring service tools are available.   This contract for supplemental staffing would translate to approximately 37 additional full-time-equivalent employees per day, and is based on ballpark assumptions of current Port of Seattle customer service employee wages.

We anticipate this project being posted on our Ports Procurement Roster Management System (PRMS) by the end of April 2018, but if you have any preliminary questions, please free to contact Suzanne Brown,  Purchasing Manager of Central Procurement Office (CPO)


For the latest Port of Seattle future and current business opportunities please visit the Port Procurement and Roster Management System at

Closing Date: 
Thursday, May 31, 2018