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Design Services, Battle Ground WA

Request For Proposals
Design Services
City of Battle Ground

The City of Battle Ground is seeking services for the design phase of the City’s SW Eaton Boulevard Improvements project. Project tasks may include, but are not limited to survey, geotechnical investigation, stormwater design, lighting/signal design, traffic analysis, environmental permitting, preliminary ROW services, and civil design. This project has a 9% UDBE goal for the design phase. The City of Battle Ground encourages disadvantaged, minority, and women-owned consultant firms to respond. Consultants will be held to federal EEO requirements for this project, which has federal funds. Consultants will also be held to the ADA and Civil Rights requirements for the City of Battle Ground.The services are anticipated to be full time for the duration of the design phase starting in May 2020. The right-of-way phase is anticipated to begin in January of 2021 with construction following in January of 2022. The City is asking for qualified design firms to submit their qualifications.

Project Description
SW Eaton Boulevard will be reconstructed to a 3 lane section including bike lanes and sidewalks between SW 20th Avenue and SR 503. Right-of-way will need to be acquired during the right-of-way phase for the road section and potentially for the storm facility. A signal will be added to the intersection of SW 20th Avenue and SW Eaton Boulevard. At a minimum, an eastbound right turn lane and a second westbound left turn lane will be added to the intersection of SR 503 and SW Eaton Boulevard. Part of the initial work on this project will be to confirm that this is the appropriate fix for the SW Eaton Boulevard/SR 503 intersection and get the project through WSDOT’s Practical Design process. There will also be City utilities installed with the project. The design phase of this project is funded through a Surface Transportation Block Grant and City funds.


Closing Date: 
Friday, March 6, 2020