DRS Request For Information (RFI): Knowledge Management System Solutions
As part of the DRS Creating an Outstanding Retirement Experience (CORE) Program, a multi-year, multi-project effort to support technology enhancements and business process redesign, the State of Washington Department of Retirement Systems is seeking information about a cloud-hosted Knowledge Management System (KMS) solution
The Knowledge Management System will be part of a larger Knowledge Management strategy to help DRS capture, maintain, and share institutional knowledge within the agency. Currently, DRS’ institutional knowledge is decentralized across a variety of applications, tools, and documents with inconsistent maintenance and sharing practices. DRS also has numerous Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) who have years of experience and institutional knowledge that only exists within their memory.
The first use of the Knowledge Management Solution will be to capture processes and procedures for the CORE Pension Administration Modernization (PAM) project. The project will replace a mission-critical DRS system that is over 30 years old. The centralized knowledge management solution will house the revised policies, processes, and procedures generated by the CORE Pension Administration Modernization project’s implementation of Neospin and become the “source of truth” for all six divisions within DRS serving approximately 300 users. DRS currently uses a combination of SharePoint, Word, OneNote, and paper documents to store these policies, processes and procedures.
DRS also has the potential to leverage a Knowledge Management System to provide information and employers through their own portals. Employers also have an employer reporting application by which they exchange employment data with DRS systems. This audience is not currently served by a knowledge management system and instead relies on the public website and DRS employees to meet their needs.
Link to RFI Document: DRS: Information for Vendors
RFI Process
Responses to this RFI should be submitted electronically to the RFI Coordinator listed below no later than January 29, 2025, by 3:00 PM PST.
Wendy Kancianich
RFI Coordinator
Department of Retirement Systems