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Home » East Silver Creek Bridge Replacement - Ferry County WA

East Silver Creek Bridge Replacement - Ferry County WA

N.A. Degerstrom, Inc is seeking quotes for all scopes of work on this project. The project is located in a remote area of Ferry County in NE Washington state on the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation. Work scopes include clearing and grubbing, bridge demolition, channel excavation and streambed sediments, structural and roadway excavation and backfill, pile driving, sheet pile installation, steel bridge installation, painting of steel structures, bridge railing, roadway aggregates, guardrail, seeding, plantings and permanent signing. 

The project bid is Monday November 18, 2024 at 1:00PM and we are requesting all quotes by noon that day at the latest. Project imformation is available at all local Plan Centers, from the Ferry County Engineer at, or we can provide plans and specifications as needed. Please send questions and quotes to



Closing Date: 
Monday, November 18, 2024
N.A..Degerstrom, Inc.
Point of Contact: