Essential Health Benefits Benchmark Plan Evaluation Actuarial Services
The Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC) is issuing this procurement to solicit responses from individuals or vendors interested in participating on a project to review Washington state's benchmark health plan establishing the state's essential health benefits (EHB) and to determine the potential impacts on individual and small group health plan design, actuarial values and premium rates if coverage for a specific set of benefits was included in an updated benchmark plan as directed in SSB 5338 (Chap. 87, Laws of 2023).
The contractor selected will be required to:
- Assist with current EHB-benchmark plan analysis.
- Assist with analysis of options for a new EHB-benchmark plan.
- Provide actuarial analysis and advice as to final EHB benchmark selection.
- Create and submit documentation supporting plan selection.
Required experience includes, but is not limited to:
- Demonstrated knowledge of, and experience in, the area of work for which the proposal is being submitted.
- Vendor must have previously held at least thirty-six (36) months of responsibilities substantially the same as, or very similar to, the Scope of Work
- Vendor must be or employ health insurance actuaries who are members of the American Academy of Actuaries and Society of Actuaries and meet the qualification standard to complete the scope of work stated in this RFP.
- Project team leadership by an individual with at least five (5) years of commercial health insurance rate development or rate review and/or research experience in evaluating health plan cost factors and rating factors.
Find the full solicitation on Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS), and on the Office of Insurance Commissioner Contracting Opportunities Page.
Vendors not registered in WEBS will not receive automatic updates or amendments to the solicitation, which could disadvantage your bid. Updates may be downloaded from OIC’s website outside of WEBS.