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Home » FORMA Construction Notice of Public Hearing KEC/CM SPS JSCEE Central Kitchen Renovation Phase II

FORMA Construction Notice of Public Hearing KEC/CM SPS JSCEE Central Kitchen Renovation Phase II

Notice of public hearing meeting regarding intent for utilization of Alternative subcontractor selection process for a Kitchen Equipment Contractor- Construction Manager (KEC/CM)

Public Hearing Date: 2:00 pm , 6/14/2023

Location:  FORMA Construction Company, 1016 1st Ave S, Seattle WA 98134

FORMA Construction Company has been selected by The Seattle Public Schools (SPS) as the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM), for the JSCEE Central Kitchen Renovation Phase II project.

The Central Kitchen Renovation project is a 35,850 sq ft renovation of the central kitchen facility to create an efficient culinary kitchen that modernizes cooking and addresses plumbing and health code requirements. The project includes demolition of all interior building systems and provides a complete interior buildout to suit the new program layout and includes upwards of 350 new pieces of kitchen equipment to serve the program.

This is the 2nd phase of work at this facility, and it is slated for 10 weeks of construction during the summer of 2024

FORMA and SPS is recommending utilizing General contractor/construction manager procedure—Alternative subcontractor selection process outlined in RCW 39.10.385 to integrate a Kitchen Equipment Subcontractor (KEC/CM) into our project team. The reasons for utilizing this alternative procurement process include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • To support extensive GC/CM planning while working collaboratively to ensure work will be completed within a 10-week construction period to prevent interruptions to the 2024 school year.
  • Participation in coordination using BIM tools during design of Kitchen Equipment systems with Structure, and MEP and other building systems prior to release of construction documents helping to eliminate construction conflicts and provide accuracy to the schedule.
  • Early involvement in the design phase to provide input on cost estimates, schedule, logistics, long lead procurement items, and ensuring that the team is selecting the most cost-effective materials and systems related to kitchen equipment scope of work.
  • Early support for this scope to capture all opportunities to adhere to Student and Community Workforce Agreement (SCWA) requirements for the project.

The intent of this hearing is to provide an opportunity for any interested party to submit written and verbal comments.  Forma will be accepting written comments prior to the public hearing.  Evaluation criteria and scoring for each criterion are available upon request. 

Protests: Any Proposer that claims to be aggrieved by the results of the Alternative Selection Process may file a written protest, but only in accordance with the procedures noted below.

  1. All protests must be in writing and contain the following information:
    1. The RFQ or RFP title under which the protest is made.
    2. The name, address, and telephone number of the protesting party.
    3. A detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds for the protest, including copies of relevant documents and a statement as to the form of relief requested.
  2. All protests must be submitted to both FORMA Construction and Seattle Public Schools
    1. FORMA Construction Company
      1016 1st Ave South, Suite 400
      Seattle WA 98134
      Attn: Jared Larson
    2. Seattle Public School District No. 1
      2445 3rd Ave South
      Seattle WA 98134
      Attn: Milton J. Huertas
  1. All protests relating to the Selection Process must be submitted to the addresses/individuals given above no later than close of four (4) working business days after notification is made of the selection decision.
  2. Proposers who are not selected to continue to the next phase may request a scoring summary of the evaluation factors for its proposal from Forma Construction
  3. Seattle Public Schools shall decide resolution of all protests.
  4. The selection process may not advance to the next phase of selection until two business days after the final protest decision issued by the Seattle Public Schools is transmitted to the protestor.
  5. Strict compliance with the protest procedures set forth herein is essential in furtherance of the public interest. Any aggrieved party that fails to comply strictly with these protest procedures is deemed, by such failure, to have waived and relinquished forever any right or claim with respect to alleged irregularities in connection with the solicitation or award. No person or party may pursue any action in court challenging the solicitation or award of this Selection Process, without first exhausting the administrative procedures specified herein and receiving the Project Team’s final decision.

Jared Larson

FORMA Construction Company

Phone: 206-714-3243


Closing Date: 
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
FORMA Construction Company
Point of Contact: 
Jared Larson