Lewis County Permanent Shelter
Lewis County Permanent Shelter (Internal tracking number: 31-2408 Construction)
Lewis County is soliciting bids from qualified firms to provide bids for the Lewis County Permanent Shelter (Internal tracking number: 31-2408 Construction), located in Chehalis WA.
Firms desiring consideration shall submit a complete bid package based on the plans and specifications on file at https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/lewiscountywa
Lewis County has partnered with OpenGov and is excited to announce that as of August 2023, we transitioned to OpenGov Procurement/ProcureNow, a fully automated web-based electronic bidding and vendor management system. To continue to receive bid notifications, you will want to register for a FREE account today at https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/lewiscountywa.
SEALED BIDS MUST BE DELIVERED BY OR BEFORE 6:00PM ON OCTOBER 30, 2024 (Bids submitted after 6 PM Pacific Time will not be considered for this project.)
Bids must be submitted electronically through the procurement portal at https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/lewiscountywa no later than and be in accordance with the plans, specifications, and other contract documents available through the procurement portal.
All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory contract bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the Lewis County Capital Fund 3010. This bid proposal deposit is to be submitted through the OpenGov portal AND mailed or hand delivered no later than the bid due date and time to Matt Patana and Alex Murray at 571 NW Prindle St, Chehalis, WA 98532.
Informational copies of maps, plans, and specifications are on file for inspection online through the project portal at https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/lewiscountywa. All Contractor questions and Lewis County clarifying answers will be posted on the OpenGov website. Plan or specification changes shall be accomplished through official project addendums on OpenGov. Both questions/answers and addenda shall be posted without additional newspaper publication.
The Lewis County Internal Services Department in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, herby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
Lewis County is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Minority, veteran and women-owned firms are encouraged to submit bids.