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OMWBE Mentorship Program for Government Contracting

The Washington Office of Women & Minority Business Enterprises (OMWBE) is conducting a competitive procurement to Contracts for professional services with expertise in transportation construction or related industries, as well as government contracting experience in support of the OMWBE Government Contracting Mentor-Protégé Connection.

Category 1 – Mentors: Mentors will provide one-to-one assistance and mentorship for “Protégés” who have been unsuccessful in obtaining contracts or have won a handful of contracts. They seek expert assistance in bidding and winning government contracts in the transportation construction industry. Program is six to eight months long. Contract Awards planned: Four Awards (4) Western Washington, Two (2) Awards - Central Washington, and Two (2) Awards - Eastern Washington. Category 2 - Program Administrator will provide oversight, assist in placements, provide orientation and curriculum, monitor progress, maintain program records, and serve as Liaison between program participants and OMWBE. One (1) Statewide Award.

Find the full solicitation on Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS). Vendors not registered in WEBS will not receive updates or amendments to the solicitation, which could disadvantage your bid.

Pre-bid conference: Friday, August 16, 2024 - 10:00 AM Pacific Time

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Meeting ID: 280 099 482 681 Passcode: wAK6hw

Dial in by phone +1 564-999-2000,,850916137# United States, Olympia

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Phone conference ID: 850 916 137#

Closing Date: 
Monday, September 23, 2024
OMWBE/DES Procurment Consulting
Point of Contact: Marilyn First, Procurement Coordinator