Outside Healthcare Consultation Software (K13186)
Purpose: The Washington Department of Corrections (DOC) is seeking a solution for outside healthcare electronic consultation software for specialty medical care for its incarcerated patient population. View the Request for Proposals(pdf), Sample Contract(pdf), Sample Bid Submission Letter(pdf), Bidder Certifications and Assurances(pdf), and Bidder Response Form(pdf) for more information. The Request for Proposals (RFP) and relevant updates will be posted to WEBS as well (see link below).
Background: The DOC is undergoing this effort to procure an outside healthcare consultation software allowing for software/virtual services to assist its clinicians in managing the varied complex health care delivery required for its patients. While DOC patients can access specialty care in the community in the form of both in person visits and through telehealth, having more rapid access to specialists’ opinions through software based virtual outside healthcare consultations helps to ensure safer and timely evidence-based health management.
Goals and Objectives: The goal of the solicitation is to procure software based virtual outside healthcare consultations software that assists DOC medical professionals to provide quality health outcomes for patients.
- Contact Name: Ryan Johnson
- Contact Number: (360) 725-8365
- Reference Number: K13186
- Date Published: November 17, 2023
- Start Date: TBD
- Bid Due Date: December 13, 2023 by 2:00 p.m. PDT
- Estimated Cost: Approximately $250,000
- WEBS Website: https://pr-webs-vendor.des.wa.gov/
- WEBS Website Help: (360) 902-7400 or WEBSCustomerService@des.wa.gov