Point Defiance Park Loop Trail Phase 2
Project Name: Point Defiance Park Loop Trail Phase 2
Owner: Metropolitan Park District Tacoma
Bid Closing Date: March 24, 2025 2:00 PM
Subcontractor/Supplier Quote Due Date: March 21, 2025
Project Duration: 366 Calendar Days
DBE Condition of Award Goal: 8% MWBE
Bids to be submitted to: estimating@johansencci.com or via fax at (360) 829-5473
Point of Contact: Questions you have for JCC can be emailed to: estimating@johansencci.com, or you may call our office at 360-829-6493 and ask for Andy Smith in our Estimating Department.
Project Description: The project will develop approximately 1.3 miles of shared-use pathway in the 765-acre Point Defiance Park, creating a safe, dedicated pedestrian loop free of vehicular conflicts along the inner loop. The primary recreation opportunity provided by the project will be walking, running, and cycling. The built improvements will include asphalt and concrete trails, rock gabion retaining walls, boardwalk structure, striping and signage, new 8" water line, electrical upgrades, stormwater features, and general landscape enhancements.
Subcontractor/Supplier Opportunities Include (but are not limited to): clearing & grubbing, tree removal, erosion control, concrete flatwork, electrical, HMA paving, fencing/gates, railing, landscaping, striping, survey, and material hauling. As well as the supply of ready-mix concrete, pipe/utilities/precast structures, and aggregate.
JCC encourages bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE’s), for any item of work, or portion of an item, or combination thereof related to this project.
Bid Documents can be viewed at:
https://www.e-arc.com/location/tacoma/ - Scroll down and click on “Enter Public Planroom” the project will be listed here.
Alternatively, please reach out to estimating@johansencci.com and we will send you a link to the project on Building Connected.