Port of Lewiston, Idaho - Confluence Riverfront Site Development Project
S&L Underground Inc. is requesting subcontractor bids and material quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including MBE, WBE, SBE and DBE for the following:
Project Name: Port of Lewiston, Idaho - Confluence Riverfront Site Development Project
Bid Date: 9/19/2024
Bid Time: 11:00 am
Plans are available at: Spokane Regional Plan Center
Project description:
- Temporary sewer bypass for the duration of construction.
- Installation of a 50-foot, 21-inch sewer line and a 48-inch new manhole connecting the lift station
- to the existing sanitary sewer collection system.
- Construction of the lift station wet well and valve vault and drop manhole connection.
- Installation of new lift station pumps and controls.
- Installation of a 6-inch, approximately 3000-foot new force main and connection to the existing
- 12-inch force mains.
- Site grading and improvements, including but not limited to fence installation, water, and the
- construction of a concrete pad for control panels and emergency generator placement.
- Site electrical improvements, including lighting and security.
- Installation of an emergency generator.
- Removal and reinstallation of fencing and restoration of disturbed areas.
- Auger boring under the Spokane County Railroad spur and pipe casing installation.
Areas of work include: traffic control, aggregate, asphalt, concrete, rebar, precast vault, polymer lining, piping and appurtenances, pumps, fencing, electrical, etc.
Please verify your intent to provide a quotation to admin@slunder.com and respond by 9/18/2024 with your proposals.
Thank you for your time and consideration.