PW24-0308F Portland Avenue Vision Zero Improvements - Design, RFQ
Project will construct sidewalks and either protected bike lanes or shared use path along the corridor,
new bicycle and pedestrian crossings, improved transit access, ADA enhancements, traffic calming, complete street traffic
study and conduct community engagement. The location of the work is on the Portland Avenue corridor, from East 27th
Street to East 56th Street. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for this work is 17%. As this is a federally
funded project, the selected firm will be held to Federal EEO requirements. The Federal Aid Number for this project is
The scope of work required for the initial agreement includes work associated with the design phase of the project,
including traffic study analysis, community outreach, survey, geotechnical analysis, environmental permitting, and design
services (preparation of plans, specifications, and cost analysis). The City of Tacoma reserves the right to retain the
services of the successful firm(s) for Right-of-Way and Construction Phases upon negotiation of an agreement for the
subsequent phases and depending on the consultant’s satisfactory performance of design work. DBE goals may be
required for subsequent phases of the project.
Submittal Deadline: 11:00 a.m., Pacific Time, Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Additional Information: Requests for information regarding the specifications may be obtained by contacting Carly
Fowler by at or on our website at Contracting Opportunities - City of Tacoma.