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Renton Public Schools - Renton High School Replacement Project

Skanska USA Building, Inc.

Notice of Public Hearing

Renton Public Schools – Renton High School Replacement

Intent to Conduct Alternative Selection Process

Electrical Contractor Construction Manager (EC/CM)

Mechanical Contractor Construction Manager (MC/CM)


Hearing Date/Time: January 27, 2025 at 2:00p.m.

Location: : RSD Facilities Operations and Maintenance Center

7812 South 124th St

Seattle WA 98178


Pursuant to RCW 39.10.385, a public hearing will be held by Skanska USA Building, Inc. (Skanska), and Renton Public Schools (Owner) regarding the intent to utilize the alternative subcontractor selection process for the Renton High School Replacement Project. The Owner and Skanska are in the process of determining if this project meets the criteria established in RCW 39.10.385 for use of the EC/CM and MC/CM process. Among the most important factors in this determination is the critical importance of having the Electrical and Mechanical subcontractors involved during the design phase. It is important during design that the EC/CM and MC/CM provide detailed construction scheduling, input into procedures and specifications, input into design constructability issues, coordination of contract documents, determination of construction logistics and construction phasing, detailed cost estimates and early procurement of long-lead equipment.

Verbal and written comments will be received at the hearing regarding the justification for utilizing the Alternative Subcontractor Selection Process, the evaluation criteria, weights of each criterion, and protest procedures. After the hearing, Skanska and the Owner will consider all written and verbal comments and issue a final determination to all interested parties. All protests of the final determination must be in writing and submitted to Skanska within four (4) calendar days of the date of the final determination. Protests and written comments shall be addressed to the following:

Skanska USA Building, Inc.

Attn: Peggy Wang

400 Fairview Avenue North

Suite 1000

Seattle, WA 98109



Once the Owner and Skanska make a final determination for establishing the use of EC/CM and MC/CM, the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be issued. These proposals will be evaluated by the Owner and Skanska to determine which contractors will qualify to advance to the interview and final submittal of Fee and Specified General Conditions. A draft RFQ that includes the selection process justification, evaluation criteria, weighting of each criterion and protest procedures will be available 1/20/2025 and may be accessed at BuildingConnected ( Contact Peggy Wang at the email address above for assistance if needed.

Closing Date: 
Monday, March 31, 2025
Skanska USA INC
Point of Contact: