Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Heavy Civil General Contractor/Construction Manager Services - New Water Supply Pipeline Project RFQ No. 25-02
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is the sole provider of potable water to the City of Mercer Island. On April 3, 2024, the City learned that the SPU 24-inch water Pipeline to Mercer Island was leaking in the steep sloped area in the SE 40th Street right-of-way. Consequently, SPU crews reduced and then shut off flow, eliminating its use as the primary pipeline. SPU and their specialty contractor, in coordination and collaboration with City of Mercer Island, completed temporary repairs and testing, and restored flow through the SPU pipeline line on August 1, 2024. The repaired section was slip-lined with approximately 1,300 feet of structural liner, reducing its diameter and carrying capacity from 24-inches to 17.4-inches.
This project will install a new water supply pipeline and provide a new permanent water supply with the installation of approximately 5,000 feet of 24” restrained joint ductile iron pipe along East Mercer Way, SE 36th Street, SE Gallagher Hill Road to SE 40th Street, then east on SE 40th Street to 92nd Avenue SE, where it will connect with an existing 24-inch pipeline. A segment of the new pipeline will run through WSDOT right of way.
Additional improvements will be made along SE Gallagher Hill Road, including the replacement of approximately 2,000 feet of 6-inch asbestos cement watermain, the replacement of a pressure-reducing vault, and watermain connections outside of the primary pipeline route.
The project will also include street and sidewalk improvements along SE Gallagher Hill Road, SE 40th Street and SE 36th Street.
The City of Mercer Island is seeking a highly qualified, customer-focused GC/CM firm to participate as a critical, integrated team member throughout design, preconstruction and construction.
Request for Qualifications can be found here Bids and RFPs | Mercer Island, Washington.