RFI #28723- RFP Elevator Inspections, Testing, Maintenance, & Repairs
The Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (Enterprise Services) is conducting a competitive procurement to award Statewide Contracts by geographic region (Olympic, Northwest, Southwest, South Central, North Central and Eastern) for eligible purchasers to acquire contracted goods and/or services.
Through the Statewide Contracts established by this solicitation, Washington state agencies and other eligible purchasers may obtain contracted goods and/or services for elevator full service maintenance, testing, document and logging service visits, perform preventative maintenance, conduct repair services, other service components, and provide timely and exceptional customer service including accurate and detailed invoicing, and communication, collectively “Elevator Services”.
Find the full solicitation on Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS). Vendors not registered in WEBS will not receive updates or amendments to the solicitation, which could result in a non-responsive bid. Solicitation documents, contacts, and bid instructions are located in WEBS: https://pr-webs-vendor.des.wa.gov/.
Pre-bid conference: 10/10/2024 at 11:00 AM PST
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