RFP 2425-03 Universal Social & Emotional Learning Screener Grades K-8
Battle Ground School District 119 is accepting sealed proposals from qualified firms interested in providing a Universal Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener for students in grades K-8. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit one or more established providers to provide the District with a universal screening tool to further the District goal of the development of a comprehensive, coordinated, and integrated program to advance wellness and resilience in education settings for school
aged youth. The proposed solution will measure student strengths and deficits relative to Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and Washington State SEL Standards, generate standard and custom data reports, include training, training materials and provide technical support.
Proposal packets may be requested by contacting the Battle Ground School District Purchasing Agent: spiekerman.darcy@battlegroundps.org.
Sealed proposals will be received at the Battle Ground School District Purchasing Office until 3:00 pm, Pacific Local Time, Sept 20, 2024. Proposals received after scheduled closing cannot be considered.
By USPS Mail
ATTN: Darcy Spiekerman-Purchasing Agent
PO BOX 200
Battle Ground, WA 98604
In Person or Courier Delivery
ATTN: Darcy Spiekerman-Purchasing Agent
400 N Parkway Ave
Battle Ground, WA 98604
The District encourages minority or woman-owned business, small business or Veteran owned firms to respond.
All respondents will be held to federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) requirements for any project containing federal funds. Respondents must comply with applicable 2 CFR Appendix II to Part 200 Contract Provisions for Non-Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards.
The District reserves the right to accept any proposal it deems most favorable to the interests of the District's schools. It also reserves the right to waive any informalities and irregularities and reject any and/or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which in their opinion is not in the best interest of the District.
Once received by the District, responses may be modified or withdrawn prior to the submission deadline only if the request to do so is in writing and on vendor’s formal letterhead.
No vendor may withdraw or alter their proposal after the time set for opening thereof, unless award of contract is delayed for a period of more than one year (365 days) from the date of opening.
All questions and requests for clarification regarding this notice must be directed in writing, via email, to Darcy Spiekerman, Purchasing Agent / RFP Coordinator at spiekerman.darcy@battlegroundps.org. Actual or attempted contact with any other individual from the District concerning this RFP is prohibited and may result in disqualification.
The District is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail. Postage Due submissions will be rejected.
The District will not accept bids that are sent via fax or email.