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Home » RFP - Employee Wellness Center RFP 2018-177, Bellingham WA

RFP - Employee Wellness Center RFP 2018-177, Bellingham WA

Whatcom Transportation Authority 

 Request for Proposal for 

 Employee Wellness Center 

 RFP 2018 - 177 

RELEASE DATE: February 14, 20107 

PROPOSALS DUE: March 26, by 2:00 PM PST 

2.B Background

WTA has allocated $150,000 per year to staff an on‐site Wellness Center, where certified health or wellness professionals can assist WTA employees in addressing health issues, minor ailments, nutritional needs, and on‐the‐job ergonomic challenges. In addition, Contractors staff will establish relationships with interested employees to assist with lifestyle choices, including diet, stress management, and exercise. 2.C Technical Requirements

The Contractor will staff a WTA provided on‐site wellness facility with licensed and certified health and wellness professionals. At a minimum, Contractor will deliver limited physical therapy services. However, WTA would like the option to deliver other specialties such as:  Certified Athletic Trainer  Nutritionist  Other

The facility will be open for a minimum of 6 hours a day, 5 days per week, or as otherwise agreed upon.

For more information:

Whatcom Transportation Authority
4011 Bakerview Spur
Bellingham, WA 98226
Phone (360) 788‐9332
Fax (360) 788‐9532

Closing Date: 
Monday, March 26, 2018