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Senior Transportation Program Services in Clark County

Legal Notice for Request for Proposals (RFP)

Senior Transportation Program Services in Clark County


The Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington (AAADSW) is designated by the State of Washington as the Area Agency on Aging to serve Clark, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Klickitat and Skamania Counties. As the area agency on aging, AAADSW plans, advocates for, develops, coordinates and supports a comprehensive service delivery system in the region for persons who are 60 years of age or older, persons with disabilities who are 18 years of age or older, and caregivers of aging and/or disabled persons. These programs are among the services overseen by AAADSW (see our website at


RFP Announcements: AAADSW will contract with one or more successful bidders to provide Senior Transportation Services in Clark County – from January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026. 

Senior Transportation can include both (1) Regular Specialized and/or (2) Volunteer Transportation services. Regular Specialized Transportation is the transport of passengers using provider-owned vehicles utilizing special equipment when necessary to accommodate individuals with limited physical mobility. Volunteer Transportation Services is the transport of passengers using privately-owned vehicles. Drivers are volunteers, generally reimbursed for expenses incurred. Volunteer services may be used along with or as an alternative to regular specialized transportation. Transportation services are designed to transport adults aged 60 and older to and from medical and health care services, social services, meal programs, senior centers, shopping and recreational activities making such activities and services are accessible to eligible individuals who have no other means of transportation. Personal assistance and specialized equipment, such as a wheelchair lift for clients with limited physical mobility, is often required for some passengers.


Eligibility: Eligible applicants must be a verifiable legal public or private entity, hold a valid Washington State Business License, and have three (3) years of experience for the services to be provided. Applicants must also comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, and AAADSW policies. Organizations that have been debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or excluded from participating in a contract by any Federal or Washington State agency will not be considered. Fiscal and management references will be requested.


In addition, entities responding to this RFP must meet minimum standards for vehicle equipment and maintenance, driver screening and training, insurance and licensing. Applicants must demonstrate sufficient working capital and fiscal administrative capability.


Mandatory requirements to apply (RFP Packets): Entities interested must request an RFP packet, which details the application process and criteria. Such requests must be made by email. Because of our limited staff resources, we ask that you please not make telephone inquiries (the process for submitting questions will be described in the RFP packets).


To receive the mandatory RFP packet by email, please send a request specifying “Senior Transportation RFP” to:



Deadlines: Interested entities must request the mandatory RFP packet and submit all required application materials and information as outlined in the packet.  The final date to submit a completed application with materials is October 18, 2024.  Submissions received after this deadline will not be considered.



AAADSW is an Equal Opportunity Agency

Women-owned, Minority-owned and Veteran-owned businesses are encouraged to apply.


Closing Date: 
Friday, October 18, 2024
Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of Southwest Washington
Point of Contact: