SUBCONTRACTOR BID REQUEST - Swamp Creek Bridge #503 Replacement
Project: Swamp Creek Bridge #503 Replacement Federal Aid No. BRM-2563(002)
Project Description: This Contract provides for the replacement of Swamp Creek Bridge No. 503 where Locust Way crosses Swamp Creek. The new bridge will be a single span, 70 foot long, precast concrete deck bulb tee superstructure with cast-in-place deck supported by drilled shafts and concrete abutment shaft caps; additional work includes water main, traffic control, drainage, landscaping, paving, including installation of ductile iron water main and other work.
Owner: Snohomish County Public Works
Bid Date: 12/10/2024
Bid Time: 11:00 AM (all quotes required at least 3 hours prior to bid time)
- Demolition of Existing Bridge
- Asphalt Pavement Removal
- Pavement Markings
- Traffic Control
- Landscaping
- Stream Restoration
- Concrete Pumping
- Guardrail work
- Tree Removal/Land Clearing
- Erosion Control Work
- Survey
- Precast Girder Supply
- Drilled Shaft Construction
- Rebar Supply and Install
- Asphalt Paving
- Vac Truck Service
- Street Sweeping Service
- Saw cutting
Contact: Jeremy Hopson, P.E.
Phone: 425-777-0936
Fax: 425-202-3610
MWDBE: MidMountain Contractors is an equal opportunity employer and encourage small, women, minority, veteran, disabled veteran, and disadvantaged businesses to submit proposals
Social Equity: This contract includes Apprentice Utilization Goals. These are required and all subcontractors will participate. See the project’s General Conditions Specifications for further details.