SUBCONTRACTOR BID REQUEST - US 2 Sexton Creek to Pilchuck River Fish Passage
Project: US 2 Sexton Creek to Pilchuck River Fish Passage
Project Description: This Contract provides for the improvement of *** US 2, MP 7.44 to MP 7.92 and Sexton Road in Snohomish County; Sexton Creek Fish Passage project, by clearing and grubbing, filling the existing culvert, roadway/structure excavation and restoring the existing roadway and stream channel, constructing a precast reinforced concrete three sided structure, constructing a steel arch structure, constructing wing walls, removing existing drain pipes, installing a new catch basin and storm drain pipes, grading, HMA paving, pavement marking, moment slab, guardrail, roadside restoration, traffic control, erosion control, temporary stream diversion, temporary erosion and sediment control, and other work, all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications.
Owner: Washington State Dept. of Transportation
Bid Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Bid Time: 11:00 AM (all quotes required at least 3 hours prior to bid time)
Documents: WSDOT Contracting Opportunities
- Asphalt Pavement Removal
- Temporary Barrier
- Clearing & Grubbing
- Planing Asphalt Pavement
- Pavement Markings
- Traffic Control
- Landscaping
- Stream Restoration
- Concrete Pumping
- Guardrail work
- Erosion Control Work
- Survey
- Precast Box Culvert Supply
- Temporary Shoring Walls
- Rebar Supply and Install
- Asphalt Paving
- Vac Truck Service
- Street Sweeping Service
- Saw cutting
Contact: Jeremy Hopson, P.E.
Phone: 425-777-0936
Fax: 425-202-3610
MWDBE: MidMountain Contractors is an equal opportunity employer and encourage small, women, minority, veteran, disabled veteran, and disadvantaged businesses to submit proposals
Social Equity: This contract includes Apprentice Utilization Goals. These are required and all subcontractors will participate. See the project’s General Conditions Specifications for further details.