Town of Concrete 2023 Professional Services Roster
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPING AND CONSULTING SERVICES I. PURPOSE OF REQUEST The Town of Concrete (“Town”) is soliciting annual statements of qualifications and performance data (RFQ) from architects, engineers, architectural landscaping and consulting/professional firms in connection with performing professional services for the Town pursuant to RCW 39.80. *These qualifications and performance statements will be reviewed and placed on file and will be used as a source from which to select one or more qualified firms from whom a detailed proposal will be requested for any specific project.* The Town of Concrete receives funding from time to time through Federal Programs such as Washington State Community Development Block Grant program with federal funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as well as other federally funded programs. Firms chosen for certain projects will need to be able to ensure compliance with specific programs when Federal Funds are involved. II. TIME SCHEDULE The Town will follow the following timetable: Issue RFQ 01/01/2023 Deadline for Submittal of Responses to RFQ 12/31/2023 III. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS A. All responses shall be sent to: Town of Concrete Attn: Professional Services Roster P.O. Box 39 Concrete, WA 98237 B. Please place one (1) copy of your RFQ in a sealed envelope and clearly label the lower left corner “Statement of Qualifications for A & E Services.” C. Qualifications should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straight forward, concise description of provider capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the request. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content. Use of recycled paper for requests and any printed or photocopied material created pursuant to a contract with the Town is desirable whenever practicable. Use of both sides of paper sheets for any submittals to the Town is desirable whenever practicable. Please submit only one (1) statement of qualification. D. Any questions concerning the specifications or RFQ process shall be directed to the Clerk-Treasurer at (360) 853-8401. Minority, women-owned and disadvantaged firms are encouraged to submit statements