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Home » W. Beeville Road Fish Passage Engineering and Design At Dry Creek

W. Beeville Road Fish Passage Engineering and Design At Dry Creek

Trout Unlimited (hereinafter referred to as “TU”) is seeking a professional engineering consultant (hereinafter referred to as “Consultant”) to provide assessment and engineering design to correct one fish passage barrier on Dry Creek to restore access to upstream habitat and restore hydrologic function at the site.

This project will improve watershed function and improve habitat access for salmon and trout in the Decker Creek watershed. The Decker Creek watershed is a Chehalis Basin Strategy – Aquatic Species Restoration Program near-term priority identified in their Aquatic Species Restoration Plan (2019). The WDFW Chehalis Fish Passage Barrier Prioritization ranks the culvert 3rd overall for replacement, due in part to the significant ~7 miles of improved access for salmonids. Legacy land management, climate pressures, and human impacts have degraded aquatic resources in the watershed, which are now in urgent need of restoration. This is the first phase in the W. Beeville Road Fish Passage restoration project.

The first phase of this project will develop conceptual through final designs to replace an undersized culvert with a fish-friendly structure, restore hydrologic function at the site, and improve habitat access and passage for coho salmon, chum salmon, steelhead, coastal cutthroat trout, and other salmonid species/aquatic organisms. The crossing is on a Mason County Road right of way, and private landownership directly upstream and downstream; most of the surrounding area is used for timber harvest. Approximately 500ft downstream is the Dry Creek and Dry Bed Creek Confluence; upstream, approximately 0.3mi is a large wetland complex. 

Please contact for full RFP package.

Closing Date: 
Friday, February 7, 2025
Trout Unlimited
Point of Contact: