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Home » Zimmerly Riparian Project, Ridgefield WA

Zimmerly Riparian Project, Ridgefield WA

Zimmerly Riparian Project


Issue date: January 10, 2020

Due Date: January 17, 2020 NO LATER THAN 2:00 PM

Submittal: Mailed or e-mailed submissions are accepted. In both cases submittal must be received at the Clark by the Due Date above. Clark will not be responsible for technological errors or failed transmission of bid forms. It is recommended to call to confirm receipt if submitting by email.

Inquiries: Questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Jeff Wittler, in writing by e-mail: no later than 11:00 AM on January 17, 2020.

  1. Project Background

The successful vendor shall perform the required work for Clark Public Utilities at the following project location:

Zimmerly II Riparian Project

Location: 27518 NE Bjur Rd, Ridgefield, WA 98604


Project will involve planting 6,000 container trees and shrubs.

Total acreage: 6 acres


  1. Statement of Needs

Contractor will provide all labor for planting 6,000 container trees and shrubs over approximately 6 acres.


Project must be completed by February 28, 2020.


Should a contractor wish to examine the job site contractor will need to contact Jeff Wittler, at 360-992-8577 to schedule the site visit. Site is accessible with trucks and trailers.


The link to access the complete RFQ document and quote form for potential bidders is:

Closing Date: 
Friday, January 17, 2020