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Lower Forks Creek Restoration

Lower Forks Creek Restoration – Area 1 – Rebid Project. The bid date is 3/5/19 at 2 PM (PST).


Job Description: Replace the existing weir and pumped intake, construct a new fish ladder, sedimentation pond, distribution box, and install associated piping electrical, and mechanical components.


The plans, specs, and other various contract documents can be accessed on our FTP site, per the below directions.


Accessing the FTP Site:


1. Go to Windows Explorer (Not Internet Explorer) - located under "My Computer".


2. Type into the address bar on top: (hit enter)


3. Under pulldown menu - go to File-Login As


4. Type username and password (or copy & paste the following):


PW: UH+V=DmJ9(=t


5. Copy & paste the files from the FTP site to your computer for access.

Closing Date: 
Tuesday, March 5, 2019