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Electrical Security Outlet Box at Green Hill School

RFQ # PR2203890
Electrical Security Outlet Box at Green Hill School

The State of Washington, Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) intends to post an RFQ to install an electrical security outlet box at Green Hill School.

The purpose of this RFQ is to purchase and provide all labor and materials necessary to install an electrical security outlet box at Green Hill School in Chehalis, Washington.

All Responders must meet the following minimum qualifications:
•    Responders must be licensed to do business in the State of Washington.  

The RFQ will be issued on or about June 26, 2022 and responses will be due August 22, 2022.  On the date indicated, DCYF shall post the RFQ and any attachments and amendments relating to the RFQ, on Washington’s Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS).  WEBS can be accessed at:

All Responders must register as a vendor on WEBS, using an appropriate commodity codes listed in the RFQ, and must download the RFQ and any attachments from WEBS. This should be done as soon as possible in order for responder to receive notifications automatically generated on WEBS.

Commodity Codes listed:
680-02 Access Control Systems and Security Systems
914-38 Electrical
936-25 Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Repair
967-37 Electrical and Electronic Products

Parties that are unable to access the website above, may request a hard copy by submitting their name, address, e-mail, phone:

Karena McGovern, RFQ Coordinator
Department of Children, Youth, and Families
E-mail Address:

Closing Date: 
Monday, August 22, 2022
Department of Youth, Children, and Families
Point of Contact: 