Public Records Fee Schedule
No Fee | Inspection by requester at agency office in Olympia. |
No Fee | Requester accessing or downloading records the office routinely posts on its web site. |
$0.15 per page | Photocopy of paper records or printed (paper) copies of electronic records (applies if requester asks for paper copies). |
$0.10 per page | Electronic copy of scanned paper records (applies if paper copies must be scanned to produce in electronic format). |
$0.05 for each 4 electronic files or attachments | Files and/or attachments uploaded to email, or cloud-based storage service, or other means of electronic delivery. |
$0.10 per gigabyte | Records transmitted in electronic format or for use of agency equipment to send records electronically. |
Actual Cost | Records on CD – includes cost of the CD, disk sleeve, mailer, and postage. |
Actual Cost | Records on DVD – includes cost of the DVD, disk sleeve, mailer, and postage. |
Actual Cost | Records on thumb drive – Includes cost of thumb drive, mailer, and postage. |
More Information
- Charges may be combined to the extent that more than one type of charge applies to records produced in response to a request.
- Charges are assessed for each installment of records provided to the requester.
- The requester is required to pay the fees in advance of receiving the records.
- OMWBE may waive any charges for providing public records at the discretion of the Public Records Officer. This determination will be made on a case-by-case basis.
- OMWBE will make a good faith effort to use the most reasonable cost-effective method available to the agency as part of its normal operations.
- A requester may ask OMWBE to provide a summary of the applicable charges before any copies are made.
- Two-Sided document equals two pages.
- Before copying requested public records, the Public Records Officer or designee may require a deposit of up to 10% of the estimated costs of copying all of the records. The public records officer or designee may also require payment of the remainder or an installment of the copying costs before providing all of the records.
- OMWBE will not release any requested copies of public records unless and until the requestor has paid all copying and other charges as set forth in this section.
- OMWBE may determine whether customized electronic access to public records is required if the office estimates that the request would require the use of information technology expertise to prepare data compilations or provide customized electronic access services when such compilations and customized access services are not used by the office for other office purposes. The office will charge the actual costs, including staff time and outside vendor costs necessary to reimburse the office for providing customized electronic access services.
- Payment may be made by cash, check, or money order to the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises.
*RCW 42.56.080 states that requests must be for an identifiable record.