RFQ 2023-51390 VPLE Restraint System
The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission (WSPRC) is seeking quotes from qualified firms to provide a safety restraint system to stop conflicts, achieve de-escalation and provide recovery of personnel for WSPRC Law Enforcement staff.
Please download the bid document for the technical specifications.
Bid Deadline: Wednesday, December 13th 2023
ELECTRONIC BID RESPONSES ONLY: Bid responses will only be accepted electronically via Email/Email Attachment to BidBox@parks.wa.gov. (PDF scan encouraged)
Email Inquiries to: Procurement@parks.wa.gov
WEBS is the system of record for this competition.
WA State’s Official Bid Notification System: Bidders are responsible for properly registering in the Washington’s Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) system, https://fortress.wa.gov/ga/webs/ and downloading the solicitation document and all appendices and incorporated documents related to this solicitation. WEBS Registration Information: